Working Towards a Brighter Future
Sign up for our April 8th membership meeting near the bottom of this page.
Spring Fling/Membership Appreciation Day!
See below...
Office Hours
8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Happy Labor Day--A History
August 30, 2024-From the U.S. Department of Labor
Observed the first Monday in September, Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.
Early Adopters
Before it was a federal holiday, Labor Day was recognized by labor activists and
individual states. After municipal ordinances were passed in 1885 and 1886, a
movement developed to secure state legislation. New York was the first state to
introduce a bill, but Oregon was the first to pass a law recognizing Labor Day, on
February 21, 1887. During 1887, four more states – Colorado, Massachusetts, New
Jersey and New York – passed laws creating a Labor Day holiday. By the end of the
decade Connecticut, Nebraska and Pennsylvania had followed suit. By 1894, 23
more states had adopted the holiday, and on June 28, 1894, Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday.
McGuire v. Maguire: Who Founded Labor Day?
Who first proposed the holiday for workers? It’s not entirely clear, but two workers can make a solid claim to the Founder of Labor Day title.
Some records show that in 1882, Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor, suggested setting aside a day for a "general holiday for the laboring classes" to honor those "who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold."
But Peter McGuire's place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged. Many believe that machinist Matthew Maguire, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday.
Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew
Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association
of Machinists in Paterson, New Jersey, proposed the holiday in 1882 while
serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York.
According to the New Jersey Historical Society, after President Cleveland
signed the law creating a national Labor Day, the Paterson Morning Call
published an opinion piece stating that "the souvenir pen should go to Alderman Matthew Maguire of this city, who is the undisputed author of Labor Day as a holiday."
Both Maguire and McGuire attended the country’s first Labor Day parade in New York City that year.
The First Labor Day​​
The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5, 1883.
By 1894, 23 more states had adopted the holiday, and on June 28, 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed a law making the first Monday in September of each year a national holiday.
A Nationwide Holiday​
Many Americans celebrate Labor Day with parades and parties – festivities very similar to those outlined by the first proposal for a holiday, which suggested that the day should be observed with – a street parade to exhibit "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations" of the community, followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of the workers and their families. This became the pattern for the celebrations of Labor Day.
Speeches by prominent men and women were introduced later, as more emphasis was placed upon the economic and civic significance of the holiday. Still later, by a resolution of the American Federation of Labor convention of 1909, the Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday and dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of the labor movement.
American labor has raised the nation’s standard of living and contributed to the greatest production the world has ever known and the labor movement has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation's strength, freedom, and leadership – the American worker.

If you're interested in a scholarship award sponsored by CWA District 3, please click on the button to the right.
All rules and requirements are included on the link and application.
The submission deadline for the application is Friday, July 5, 2024.
In Loving Memory of Corey McLamb

June 23, 1970--March 25, 2024
CWA/IBT CBA implementation timeline
February 7, 2024
The bargaining committee has been meeting with American Airlines to create a timeline to schedule all the changes in the new contract, pursuant to the implementation agreement. The Company is working to have all the changes in effect as soon as possible, however some require intense programing and take a little longer to implement. We will keep you updated as we work through all the changes.
Changes that take effect now:
Article 3 – Recognition and Scope
Management working in class 1 and class 2 stations only when an agent is not readily available (Article 3.b.3)
Thirty-five and under stations (Article 3.E)
Article 5 – Hours of Service
The five (5) minute work readiness period for Reservations employees
The new minimum rest periods between shifts (9 hour / 8 hour (HBR))
The provisions in the CBA regarding electronic notification of shift trade cancellations for reservations
Article 6 – Customer Service Overtime
The overtime break scheduling and break schedule
Overtime bypass – paid
Article 7 – Reservations Overtime
The overtime break scheduling and break schedule provisions
Overtime bypass – paid
Sunsetting of future mando
Cancellation of overtime 3 hours for Company, 1 hour or local policy for agents.
The overtime eligibility provision for employees scheduled off for a partial shift for voluntary overtime off (Article 7.C)
Article 9 – Filling of Vacancies
The unpaid time off provisions for transfer relocations (Article 9.K.5)
Article 18 – Sick Leave
Sick leave bank increase to a maximum of 1,600 (Article 18.D)
The signing bonus will be paid out in a separate check on March 18, 2024.

Tentative Agreement Ballots out for a Vote
On Thursday, December 21, 2023, ballots for voting to ratify our TA with the company began arriving in employees' company email boxes. These will come from a third-party company, Ballot Point, which runs electronic elections for unions and businesses. You have until 3 p.m. on January 8, 2024 to return your ballot. The results will be published soon after that time.
Please do not pass up this chance to have a say about the next five years of your work life. Obviously, it will affect your off-time life as well. If you don't receive your email please use the instructions on the graphic below. You can either call or email. If you email, it must come from your company email address to be validated. You do have to contact Ballot Point directly. We have no access.

CWA/IBT Tentative Agreement Articles
December 18, 2023
Our CWA/IBT bargaining team has been fine-tuning and releasing articles this past week and a half and should have the complete document available within the next 24 hours. Voting on the tentative agreement will take place beginning on December 21, 2023 and will continue through January 8, 2024. You will receive your voting instructions via your American Airlines email account and your ballot will be sent to your email from Ballot Point, a vendor hired by CWA and IBT. In the interim, you can read over the articles through the link below:
CWA Local 3642 President Tammy Scott will host some Zoom meetings explaining the finer details of the articles and answering any questions prior to going on out on roadshows. Pre-registration is required. Below are the links, dates and time.
Tonight, December 18, 2023--6 p.m.
Tomorrow, December 19, 2023--2 p.m.
Please register for the meeting for an opportunity to learn more about the tentative agreement that will be a part of your life over the next five years. Don't rely on what you hear on social media. Ask the person that has been fighting the past 15 months for our quality of work life and the industry's leading contract for our members!

Tentative Bargaining Agreement Reached

December 6, 2023
This week, your CWA-IBT Association Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with American Airlines for a new contract.
Full details to follow in the coming days.
We could not have reached this agreement without the support of our local union leaders, mobilization team members, and every member who supported the organizing and mobilization efforts over the past several months. Your participation in mobilization activities made a huge difference at the bargaining table and demonstrated the power of our unity.
Stay tuned for more details.
In solidarity,
The CWA-IBT Bargaining Committee
A side note from Local 3642 President, Tammy Scott:
Please be patient. We will be sharing the contract information soon with our members. Don’t fall for all the misinformation that I’m already seeing on Facebook. People are guessing at things and nothing has been shared. We are a united bargaining team and will release the specifics about the contract simultaneously. I told you all if I didn’t believe in it I wouldn’t support it. I absolutely support it! I’m looking forward to sharing it with all the members throughout CWA-IBT.
Informational picketing at RDU a huge success
November 14, 2023

On Tuesday, November 14, CWA Local 3642 picketed RDU international Airport in support of the CWA/IBT bargaining team, which is working to negotiate an industry-leading contact for American Airlines' passenger service employees. The goal of the picketing is to inform the public concerning wages and the scope of our work groups.
In addition to the picketing, Spectrum News interviewed Tammy Hux (our Secretary/Treasurer elect and protest organizer). She spoke about AI as well as the off shoring of our calls in reservations. endangering our jobs. We'll share this interview at a later time.
Our reservations group was joined by some airport personnel as well as our sisters and brothers from AT&T Local 3611. At most times there were at least 30 of us at the corner of RDU international and we had cars, Amazon and UPS drivers sounding their horns in support. Some drivers stopped by to ask what in particularly we were protesting and were genuinely interested and wished us good luck.
It was inspirational to see the support of the public, even the RDU Airport Police, and the enthusiasm of our group. It was a great day and we appreciated everyone that came out and shared their time for OUR cause because... When We FIGHT, We WIN!
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Mobilization Day RDU Airport--November 14, 2023
Update: We will be mobilizing November 14, 2023 from 1-3 p.m. at RDU Airport. Please
see below for the location off Lumley Road. I’m so excited for the huge response from
our membership and those that are eager to attend. I can’t express the urgency enough
to show the company we stand in UNITY AND ARE DEMANDING a leading industry
contract. Those that are attending would like to carpool, please be at the Local at
12 noon.
We will have some shirts available first come first serve. Please wear red just in case we don’t have enough for everyone. We are working on your signs this week.
I will be in bargaining next week and can’t attend. So, if have any questions reach out to Tammy Hux (tamstercwalocal3642@gmail.com). She has helped organize this event for us.
SAVE OUR SCOPE! If you would like to meet the group at the airport the address at which we'll be picketing is 9628
Lumley Rd., Raleigh-Durham Airport. Please see below. The blue area is designated parking and is free. The portion marked in red is where we'll be informationally picketing. Please come out and bring your families. We need to show the company we are united and we will not back down from our demands.
In Unity, Local 3642 President Tammy Scott and your E-board.

Protect our scope mobilization day at RDU Res
October 17, 2023

CWA Local 3642 informational meetings
September 29, 2023

Would you like to learn more about the CWA-IBT collective bargaining process? Here's your chance...
Local 3642's President, Tammy Scott, will be hosting informational meetings regarding the CBA process in October. There will be three different Zoom meetings with various dates and times.
You can ask questions and learn how YOU can become a positive part of the equation in reaching an industry leading contract.
Please pre-register (required) through the links below.
Dates and times are as follows:
October 11 -- 7 p.m.
October 12--10 a.m.
October 13--2 p.m.
No need to rely on social media third and fourth hand 'info' for answers to your questions. Sign up today for first-hand information.
CWA Local 3642 news and notes...
September 29, 2023
Local 3642 RDU Res
Cafeteria Access Denied
From 3642 President Tammy Scott--I was just advised that our union can no longer have a table in the cafeteria. This would be for all the res offices DFW, PHX and RDU Res. So, going forward, our mobilization efforts will take place from the parking lot. We will set up a table and hold events outside.
Our next mobilization event will be October 17th. That will be during our next bargaining session.
Please save the date for November 14th. I will share more information later. This will be held at the CLT Airport. We need as many as possible to attend.
This action, moving Local events outside, shows that that our mobilization efforts are having an impact on the company as they appear to be retaliating.

Update regarding
temporary HBRs
Your CWA-IBT bargaining committee agreed to extend the work from home agreement for six months, beginning in January 2024.
We wanted to make sure our members were aware of the extension before the upcoming bid.
Save the date...
November 14
On November 14, 2023, we will be having another mobilization event at the Charlotte Airport where CWA will again conduct informational picketing. Local 3642 President Tammy Scott will keep us posted when all the details are available.

Part-time shift hours
reduced on winter bid
Due to feedback from your CWA-IBT bargaining team, 20 hour part-time shifts will be offered on the upcoming bid in October.
This has always been contractual however it’s never been utilized since we’ve been unionized. This was due to staffing needs.
For the winter bid 80 percent of the part-time bid will be 20
hour shifts. this will include small desks with less then 20 part-timers, including RDU CKS will have 5x4 shifts.
Twenty percent of the part-time bid will be creative shifts with a variety of options, such as 16, 20, 24, 25 and 30 hour shifts options. Other options are 2x10 shifts working Saturday and Sunday. (The above above-mentioned shifts options are available to SLS, IAD and RSD.)

CWA Passenger Service Members Picket at
Charlotte Douglas International Airport--August 15, 2023
Members of passenger service locals from throughout North Carolina gathered outside Charlotte Douglas International Airport to participate in informational picketing concerning bargaining between CWA-IBT and American Airlines. The union was sharing information concerning the speed of the bargaining process and the company's lack of response to its Scope and Range proposals that were presented last October.
Local 3642 was led by President Tammy Scott, Tammy Hux, Corey McLamb, Michelle Reddick, Maria Clarke, Sandi Paisley and Alddy Moreta. The passenger service group had a great showing, despite the heat index being above 100 degrees. Charlotte channel WCNC will air interviews on their 5 p.m. news on August 15.
As more and more members become involved in mobilization the company has to take notice and see our work group is united and is serious about receiving the contract it deserves.

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Membership Appreciation Day 2023
On Tuesday, August 2, CWA Local 3642 celebrated it's membership
by serving lunch and dinner at RDU Res' cafeteria. Barbeque was
brought in by Danny's BBQ, along with sides, vegetarian lasagna,
banana pudding, drinks and fried chicken from Publix Deli. Meals
were served up by the E-board, along with help from Sebrenda
Clifton, Sonja Behrends, Jose Claustro and Alan Creason.
There was cornhole competition, music by DJ Corey McLamb
and sign-ups for Local committees and mobilization. We were able
to visit with FAAmily we hadn't seen in ages while honoring the
members who work so hard on a daily basis. Everyone enjoyed the
food and had a great time. We appreciate everyone who was able to
come out and see us.
Your Local 3642 E-board

CWA-IBT Bargaining Session #9
May 15, 2023
Our CWA-IBT Association Team will be back at the negotiating table with Management May 16-18. Let’s send our message loud and clear!
Local 3642 will have a table in the Res Center cafeteria on May 16. Please wear red on Tuesday and support the bargaining team. We will post your photos and if you're an HBR send to our Facebook page or attach to localcwa3642@gmail.com.

Support your CWA-IBT Bargaining Team
Dear CWA Sisters and Brothers,
I will be in bargaining from March 6 - 10, 2023. Deron will be covering the Local while I'm away.
Please show your support for our bargaining team and let the company know you want work life balance. I am asking everyone to wear red on Tuesday, March 7 to show our solidarity.
Please take photos/selfies and send them in to the Local so we can post them on our Facebook and website pages. Thank you so much for all your support!
In unity,
Tammy Scott
CWA Local 3642--President
A Distinct Identity
Our Communications Workers Union knows that strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our united collective. Back in 2000, our founding leaders realized that by working together we could overcome challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to join forces as CWA Local 3642.

NettWorth Financial Group

With offices from coast to coast, NettWorth Financial Group has been helping clients reach their financial goals since 1995.
Our unique combination of knowledge, experience and insight has impacted tens of thousands of families throughout the country. From education to implementation, from planning to servicing, our advisors are focused on you. The average financial advisor at NettWorth Financial Group has over 15 years of experience in the investment industry.At NettWorth Financial Group, our advisors participate in an extensive continuing education program. This training helps to insure that our advisors are knowledgeable about the latest financial tools and strategies in the industry. NettWorth Financial Group understands all the pieces of the puzzle. We have the knowledge and resources to help make your happy and fulfilling retirement a reality. We help our clients to have a happy and fulfilling retirement. Using our unique planning process, Retirement Transitions, we apply a more comprehensive approach to your future.
Sixteen partial college scholarships of $4,000 each are being offered for the 2019-2020 school year. Winners, selected in a lottery drawing, also will receive second-year scholarships of the same amount contingent upon satisfactory academic accomplishment. Part-time students, less than 12 credits, will receive half of the scholarship monies. Eligible for the awards are CWA members and their spouses, children and grandchildren, including those of retired or deceased members.
The CWA Joe Beirne Foundation was established in October 1974 by the Communications Workers of America Executive Board to honor the name and memory of the founding President of CWA, who served for more than 30 years. In his capacity, as the first CWA President, Joe Beirne took great pride in the roles he played in the fields of education and learning and other areas of social concern. On April 26, 1999, the CWA Executive Board voted to combine the Joseph Anthony Beirne Memorial Foundation and the Ray Hackney Scholarship Fund, thereby creating the CWA Joe Beirne Foundation.
CWA members, their spouses, children and grandchildren (including dependents of laid-off, retired or deceased CWA members) may apply. Applicants must be high school graduates or at least high school students who will graduate during the year in which they apply. Undergraduate and graduate students returning to schooling may also apply. Prior winners may not reapply.
Applications are accepted during the months of November through April. Final deadline for the 2021-2022 school year is April 30, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
Winners are chosen by lottery drawing and only winners will be notified. Click here for a list of past winners
No specific studies are required. Scholarship winners may pursue whatever courses they wish.
The CWA Joe Beirne Foundation has been built up by voluntary contributions and is self-perpetuating. Contributions and pledges are received from CWA Locals, members and officers.
Applications should only be submitted through the online application form.
Joseph Anthony Beirne is considered CWA’s founding leader. The son of Irish immigrant parents – his dad was a union railroad worker – Beirne grew up in Jersey City, N.J. and went to work in 1927 for Western Electric, the Bell Telephone System’s manufacturing arm. With the New Deal labor reforms and passage of the Wagner Act in 1935, Beirne and others were inspired to begin organizing the nation’s phone workers. After the National Federation of Telephone Workers was formed in 1938, the fiery and charismatic Beirne soon ascended to the presidency in 1943 at the age of 32. He set himself the mission of molding this loose federation of autonomous unions into a true international union. That goal, forged in the fires of a tough nationwide strike by 350,000 Bell System workers in 1947, was achieved the following year with creation of the modern Communications Workers of America. With a strong new national structure and affiliation with the militant CIO in 1949, CWA, under Joe Beirne’s leadership, broadened its organizing focus. It grew steadily in numbers and strength and used an innovative pattern bargaining strategy to raise wage and benefit standards throughout the communications industry. The union also became a leading force in the political and legislative arenas, community services, the civil rights struggle, and global labor affairs. When Beirne, who was seriously ill, stepped down from the presidency in June of 1974, CWA had become recognized as one of the most dynamic and progressive unions in the world – qualities that also described its leader for more than three decades. Joe Beirne died on Labor Day 1974. The Joseph A. Beirne Foundation honors his lifelong commitment to education and progressive social causes.
Scholarship Timeline: Applications due January 31. Applications reviewed February to May. Award notifications are made on May 31, and the award winner list is posted online the first week of June.
1 Review the eligibility criteria.
2 Create an online account and login.
3 Complete and submit your application.
*Note — You may return to your application as many times as needed to complete prior to the deadline.
Questions about the CWA Scholarship program? Send an email to scholarships@unionplus.org
If you have started an application be sure to check the FAQ button in the dashboard of your application.
Since 1991, the Union Plus Scholarship Program has awarded more than $4.5 million to students of working families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education. Over 3,000 families have benefited from our commitment to higher education. The Union Plus Scholarship Program is offered through the Union Plus Education Foundation, supported in part by contributions from the provider of the Union Plus Credit Card. (You do not need to be a Union Plus Credit Card holder to apply for this scholarship.) See eligibility in the tab below.
Current and retired members of participating unions, their spouses and their dependent children (as defined by IRS regulations). At least one year of continuous union membership by the applicant, applicant’s spouse or parent (if applicant is a dependent). The one year membership minimum must be satisfied by May 31 of the scholarship year. See more details on eligibility in the tab below.
This is a competitive scholarship. Applicants are evaluated according to academic ability, social awareness, financial need and appreciation of labor. A GPA of 3.0 or higher is recommended. The required essays can account for up to half your total score. Scholarship applicants are judged by a committee of impartial post-secondary educators
Applications are available starting in mid-June, and a complete application must be received on or before 12:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on January 31st of the scholarship year. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.
Amounts range from $500 to $4,000. These one-time cash awards are for study beginning in the Fall of 2020. Students may re-apply each year.
Isaiah’s Award was created to honor the exceptional life of Isaiah C., a beloved child, fostered and adopted by a current, long-time employee of Union Plus. Isaiah was a smart, talented, spiritual, generous and kind young man. It is our wish that his gentle spirit live on, in part, through this namesake scholarship. Applicants for Isaiah’s Award must have a special connection to the foster care system, and will be asked in their application to describe their personal, employment, volunteer experiences, or career goals related to the foster care system.
Scholarship Timeline: Applications due January 31. Applications reviewed February to May. Award notifications are made on May 31, and the award winner list is posted online the first week of June.
The students selected for university, college, trade or technical school scholarships represent a wide sampling of backgrounds, union affiliations, goals and accomplishments. The selection process is very competitive since we receive over thousands of applications each year.
The Union Plus Education Foundation has awarded more than $4.5 million in scholarships to students of union families. Over 3,000 union families have benefited from our commitment to higher education. With the help of donations from union supporters, the Foundation can help even more union families attain their education goals. Learn more about the Union Plus Education Foundation.
James B. Carey Scholarships
Five $4,000 scholarships. Children and grandchildren of all IUE-CWA members and IUE-CWA employees (including retired or deceased IUE-CWA members or employees) may apply.
Furniture Workers Willie Rudd Scholarship
One $2,500 scholarship. All IUE-CWA members and employees and their children and grandchildren may apply.

Members' Benefits Links

1-800-897-7046, FAN #3508840
Save 15% off monthly wireless service from AT&T, the only nationwide unionized wireless company.
1-877-882-3355, ID# PS16626766
Save 10-30% on Dell laptops and desktops.
Save 20% when you send flowers, gifts or plants. Items are hand-delivered by local florists.
A mortgage program to help you and your children buy a home. Unique benefit helps make mortgage payments if you’re out of work.
Preferred moving discounts with Allied Van Lines and North American Van Lines.
1-800-561-1157 BART # 56000127763
Save 20% off truck rentals from Budget.
Justice Clothing Co. 1-888-661-0620 All American Clothing 1-888-937-8009, Code: UnionPlus Union House 1-877-642-7710, code UnionPlus
Buy union-made apparel and save 5% to 10% on everything you buy.
1-888-789-PETS (1-888-789-7387)
Save 25% on veterinarian services, pet supplies and more.
Speak to a lawyer free about any legal question or problem. Free document review and 30% off additional services.
Awards $150,000 annually to members and their families pursuing higher education.
Grant money and advice to help union members facing financial hardship.
Receive up to $20,000 in accidental death insurance at no cost. Additional coverage also available.
Save with competitive group rates. Features driver’s training grants and payment deferments during strikes.
Get free, confidential budget and credit counseling, and no-cost debt management assistance from certified counselors.
Protect your union family’s future with life and accident insurance.
Save up to 15% on pet health insurance premiums.
Union-backed credit card with competitive rates and assistance for members facing job loss, recent disability, large hospital bills.
Establish or rebuild your credit history with this secured credit card.
1-800-565-3712, ID# 744387769
Save on movie tickets and rentals, theme parks, theaters, sporting events and more.
1-800-565-3712, ID# 744387769
Save at parks nationwide including Busch Gardens, SeaWorld, Six Flags, Universal Studios and more.
Your one stop for savings on airfares, hotels, car rentals, worldwide tours, condo rentals and more.
Eligible union members can apply for Union SAFE grant money (which does not need to be repaid) — and access Union Plus benefits and advice — to help combat the problems in today’s economy.
Save time and money when you buy a new or used car or truck.
Alamo 1-800-462-5266,ID# 7015700 Avis 1-800-698-5685, ID# B723700 Budget 1-800-455-2848, ID# V816100 Enterprise 1-877-222-9711 Hertz 1-800-654-2200, ID# 205666 National 1-800-227-7368, ID# 5029562
Save up to 25% on car rentals with discounts from Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, & National.

Local 3642's membership appreciation day
On Monday, November 1, 2021, CWA Local 3642 held a membership appreciation day in the RDU Res cafeteria. Despite a busy day of mandatory overtime, President Tammy Scott and volunteers Mary Smith, Sharon Vaught, Kim Brugh, Nancy McLemore and Laurian Nobrega were able to meet with our OBRs and hand out goody/headset bags to show our appreciation for all the difficult and stressful work everyone has put in over the past two years.
For those members who weren't able to pick up their bags, we plan to have another recognition day sometime in the next month. You can also pick up your bags at the Local, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. if you like.
A huge 'thank you' to the other volunteers who helped put this all together:
Karen Hooper Raven Johnson Dawn Hiatt Rathge Carol Bonilla
Tammy Hux Nan Daniels